

Discover our communications, digital exposure, digital insight, hotel and creative strategy services that are data led and results driven to maximise impact for your business.


Build a data-led integrated communications strategy with our experts that engages your audience and generates impactful results.


Public Relations

Palm’s PR campaigns are uniquely data-led. We drive real-world, quantifiable results for our clients.
We work with our clients to identify the key drivers and objectives for their business to identify exactly where a brand needs to be in the media to achieve these goals.

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Building a long term community of aligned and authentic Influencers is integral to all campaigns. Across both paid and earned influencer programmes, we work with our global network to guarantee an agreed level of output and use of content for strategic purposes and to drive real business results.

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Social Media

Comprehensive digital and social strategies that align seamlessly with your wider comms campaign. From Strategy, Implementation and Management, Palm’s comprehensive offering includes Organic Social Media, Paid Social Media and creative Content Creation across video and images.

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Crisis Management

Palm boasts a skilled and proactive team dedicated to managing crisis communications effectively. Throughout the campaign, we will remain ready to respond to and implement our crisis communication plans as needed.

Digital Exposure

Maximise the impact of digital assets with a tailored strategy that increases brand awareness, drives website traffic and enhances brand reputation.



Aligning SEO and communications strategy is key for a brand’s success. Maximise your brand’s organic search visibility with a data driven search engine optimisation strategy. A targeted SEO strategy will help drive website traffic and also increase brand awareness, drive up brand equity, visibility and trust.

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Google ADS

Harness the power of paid traffic with targeted, engaging Google Ads campaigns. With a tailored approach to paid search and display ads, you’ll see an increase in website traffic and in turn revenue.

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Conversion Rate Optimisation

To boost conversions, Palm analyses website data and customer behaviour. While CRO focuses on specific goals, our expertise covers the entire customer experience for informed improvements.

Digital Insights

Stay ahead of the competition with Palm’s deep dive digital insight services. From technical improvements to trend analysis, we’ve got the tools to help achieve your commercial goals.

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Competitor Analysis

Discover how your competitors are performing and the areas they are focusing on with our deep dive analysis. Find their strengths, weaknesses and the opportunities to take advantage of to beat the competition.

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Website Technical Audit

Your website may look great, but is it performing to its technical best? We’ll analyse your website and provide recommendations on areas for improvement to get your site performing better for your commercial goals.

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Target Customer Profiling

Understanding your target audience is key to the success of any comms or commercial campaign.Our team will research, analyse and collate data to build the ideal customer profile for your brand, and ensure you’re reaching the right demographic for the best results.

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Search Trends

Learn what terminology your audience use to find your business and discover the latest search trends to target so your brand gains competitive advantage.

Hotel Sales

Elevate success in ever changing times with our hotel sales services that will deliver measurable results in the global hospitality industry.



A targeted hotel sales strategy to maximise results, across all major market segments in UK & Europe.
Specialisms include high-end leisure, MICE, Corporate, Entertainment & Sports markets spanning UK & Europe with teams in UK, France and Italy.

Creative Strategy

Turn big ideas into a reality with business specific insights through multi-channel creative strategies, focusing on earned attention, audience engagement and brand experience.

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Creative Activations

Our team of creatives and strategists deliver multi-channel activations that effectively communicate brand messaging worldwide. Focusing on consumers, we craft compelling brand narratives based on insight-driven ideas.

Events & Experiential iaeg

Events & Experiential

For clients who look for synergistic IRL & digital brand experience concepts that translate into clear ROI.
Our team of event producers and specialists will support you from planning through to full execution to bring your brand’s story to life.

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Talent Strategy

Driving meaningful endorsements and talent ambassadors with each individual brand’s values and identity creates a transformative strategy that has clear commercial impact.

Design Studio

Palm design studio creates a visual language and assets to authentically communicate your brand. It is the natural extension of our comms services

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From invitations and event collaterals, to menus, brochures, creative mailers, business cards and reports, Palm’s in-house team can bring your brand to life through bespoke designed collateral thaty extends the communiucations campagin with owned materials

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From adverts to advertorials, Palm’s knowledge of your brands means we are the best placed to manage your paid media strategy from start to finish. Our team of designers and copywriters work together to fulfil targeted adverts from print to digital, to online web banners and social media as content or templates.

Trade Shows and OHH Service Page


Whether you’re looking to create impact through a trade show stand and brand strategy to OOH adverts, taxi or bus wraps, Palm can manage the full process

The only PR agency in the market to agree results up front and in the contract.

At Palm we prioritise tangibility in an industry known for talk. Embedding results in our contracts, we balance memorability and measurability within clever campaigns that convert as efficiently as they communicate.


At Palm, we’re flipping the script on industry standards — changemaking through a commitment to results-first communications.


We use data to demonstrate how our PR is affecting your brand online in real-time.


We deliver campaigns that drive real, trackable results for our clients.

Get in touch with the Palm team

Book your consultation or request a call back


Read our FAQs and if there is something else you need to know, get in touch with our team who will be happy to help.


What makes a good press release?2024-09-27T12:15:51+00:00

At Palm, we write press releases that inspire journalists and make them want to cover the story. A clear and compelling headline is crucial for this, as is a concise and succinct approach for the first paragraph so that busy media can understand the story quickly and easily. Strong copywriting is something that many lose sight of, but at Palm we love seeing our press releases copied and pasted verbatim into key media titles with our clients’ key messages intact, as it’s testament to our writing skills and means that we get the best results for our clients’ businesses.

Do you have relationships with national media outlets?2024-09-27T12:15:33+00:00

Our Food & Drink and Hospitality & Travel PR teams speak to the national media every single day. Our approach is tailored – we build close, individual relationships with journalists to ensure the best media conversions. Palm regularly hosts press events, from large scale dinners and parties, to one-on-one coffees, lunches and desk-side visits. We pride ourselves on our strong media relations across print, digital, broadcast, influencer and podcast sectors.

Can you support with developing a crisis communications strategy?2024-09-27T12:15:17+00:00

Palm is well-versed in crisis communications, and our approach involves strategic planning well in advance. We prepare by developing a comprehensive communications toolkit, ensuring we’re ready to handle any issues that may come up.

Should PR be included as part of my marketing strategy?2024-09-27T12:15:00+00:00

PR is a key part of the marketing mix, helping to build long-term brand loyalty and positive awareness, while also supporting short-term sales goals. It works with marketing campaigns, bringing them to life through influencer partnerships, press reviews, thought leadership articles, and founder profiling. These efforts collectively tell your brand’s story and create an emotional connection with consumers.

Can PR be effective for small businesses?2024-09-27T12:14:41+00:00

An effective PR campaign can boost brand awareness and drive sales for your company, with benefits that can last long after the campaign has ended!

What is the difference between digital and traditional PR?2024-09-27T12:14:23+00:00

Digital PR includes online publications, social media channels and influencer campaigns, whereas Traditional PR encompasses print media, broadcast through the writing of brand press releases and media relations. Each client is different and we agree the mix of Digital vs Traditional upfront and refresh this each quarter, depending on the business objectives and the target audience.

How can PR campaign success be measured?2024-09-27T12:13:38+00:00

At Palm, we set clear, measurable KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) for targeted press coverage, which we review each quarter and include in our contracts. These KPIs are carefully aligned with the publications, influencers, or content that resonate most with your specific audience, helping to ensure the most effective and impactful results.

Can you support my business with a product launch?2024-09-27T12:12:40+00:00

Yes! Palm’s food and drink team specialise in launching FMCG NPD, whether that be to Trade press (eg: an exclusive with The Grocer Magazine), or a press and influencer event (potentially partnering with one of the Hospitality & Travel team’s restaurant, bar or hotel clients), we specialise in creative mailers, sending out new products in an innovative way that speaks to the brand values.

How to plan a PR campaign?2024-09-27T12:12:18+00:00

Planning a PR campaign starts with finding the right PR partners who can help you define your goals from the start. Whether it’s PR, digital, or influencer marketing, your campaign should focus on delivering real commercial results, boosting brand awareness, and managing your reputation. It’s also essential to work with an agency that has a clear system for measuring success. This way, you can agree upfront on what a successful campaign looks like. At Palm, we set clear, measurable KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) for targeted press coverage, which we track quarterly and include in our contracts.

How can I develop an effective PR strategy?2024-09-25T10:29:46+00:00

An effective PR strategy is all about creating a communications plan that truly fits your business’s unique goals. At Palm, we don’t believe in a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach to public relations, digital, or influencer marketing. Instead, we like to start by setting the right foundations. That means getting to know your commercial goals, brand vision, target audience, and market inside and out. A great PR strategy blends ‘evergreen’ activities with a solid, always-on press office while also jumping on seasonal moments and trending themes with creative, tactical campaigns.

Influencer Marketing

What is the difference between gifted and sponsored?2024-10-01T15:03:39+00:00

When an influencer has been ‘gifted’ with a product, a hotel stay, or restaurant visit, it means that the PR company has set up the opportunity to trial this for free. It is then up to the influencer to decide if they want to cover the offering. When a post is ‘sponsored’, it means a company has paid the influencer to communicate messaging about their brand – and key messaging, image direction and content will be broadly pre-agreed between the two parties.

Is influencer marketing expensive?2024-10-01T15:03:21+00:00

When Influencer Marketing is done correctly, it can be one of the most cost effective marketing tools available. If you have a compelling offering, we advise driving more ‘earned’ influencers than ‘paid’, which brings the cost down even further. As influencers work independently, there isn’t a standardised rate card for any sector – and so, if paid is your approach, choosing the right influencers that will be genuinely interested in your company is key, as well as doing a deep dive on their audience and media packs to estimate ROI.

How can you help me find influencers that will work for my business?2024-10-01T15:03:06+00:00

At Palm, we believe that a successful campaign is all about building a meaningful relationship between a brand and influencer. The more authentic the content, the better the results. We find influencers by doing a deep dive in to the business’ target demographics, the brand purpose and values, and then aligning credible influencers that share these touchpoints. We believe that a ‘scattergun’ approach, gifting vast amounts of influencers and not doing due diligence on each one can actually de-value a brand, and so we only work with trusted and fully vetted partners.

How can influencer marketing help my business?2024-10-01T15:02:47+00:00

Influencer marketing helps raise awareness of your business, as well as educate consumers on your product, venue or service. By aligning with authentic influencers that have synergy with your company’s values, it can raise the profile of your offering.

What is influencer marketing?2024-10-01T15:02:30+00:00

Influencer marketing is a form of social media marketing, leverages the power of aligned influencers to create authentic content that highlights your brand’s unique selling points and values. From earned or paid influencers, content can be seen by their followers or boosted further in social media advertising to targeted demographics or postcodes, as well as used in powerful endorsement campaigns to a wider audience.

Social Media

Retailer Relations

How to get retailers to pay attention to my brand?2024-10-01T15:07:53+00:00

1. Make your product stand out by capturing buyers’ attention through a strategic PR and social media campaign, along with creative media mailers.

2. Understand each retailer’s internal goals and align your product with their values to effectively communicate in their language.

3. Share your unique story and demonstrate your brand’s appeal to consumers using influencer marketing, strategic endorsements, and testimonials.

What retailers do you have relationships with?2024-10-01T15:07:30+00:00

Palm collaborates with a diverse range of retailers, including boutique brands like Whole Foods Market, Planet Organic, Selfridges, and Harvey Nichols, as well as major retail chains.

What is retailer relations?2024-10-01T15:06:59+00:00

Yes! Get in touch with us with a brief, and we’ll connect you with the right trusted partner for your brand and provide a tailored quote.


Do you travel to location for shoots?2024-10-01T15:09:36+00:00

Yes! Being on-site is crucial for large-scale shoots. Reach out with your brief, and we’ll connect you with the right trusted partner for your brand and provide a tailored quote.

Can you provide creative direction for my campaign shoot?2024-10-01T15:09:20+00:00

Yes! We offer creative direction tailored to your business objectives. Share your brief with us, and we’ll provide a detailed scope of work and strategic direction.

Can you create photography & videography briefs for me?2024-10-01T15:09:06+00:00

Yes we can! we have a roster of talented photographers and videographers who specialise in hospitality, travel, food, and drinks. Reach out with your brief, and we’ll connect you with the right trusted partner for your brand and provide a tailored quote.

Can you create social media video content?2024-10-01T15:08:54+00:00

Yes we do! We offer comprehensive 360 social media services, with video being a key component. Share your brief with us, and we’ll connect you with the right trusted Palm partner for your brand and provide a customized quote.

Do you offer product photography?2024-10-01T15:08:41+00:00

Yes! Get in touch with us with a brief, and we’ll connect you with the right trusted partner for your brand and provide a tailored quote.


How can social media influence SEO?2024-10-01T15:14:14+00:00

While social media signals are not direct ranking factors, they can influence SEO by driving traffic to your site, increasing brand visibility, and generating engagement that can lead to backlinks.

How often should I conduct an SEO audit?2024-10-01T15:13:58+00:00

It’s recommended to conduct an SEO audit at least once every 6 to 12 months to identify issues, update strategies, and ensure that your website remains optimised for the current search engine algorithms.

Is content still important for SEO?2024-10-01T15:13:45+00:00

Absolutely! Quality content is one of the most critical factors in SEO. It helps you target keywords, provides value to users, and encourages engagement, all of which contribute to better search engine rankings!

How do backlinks influence SEO?2024-10-01T15:13:33+00:00

Backlinks are links from other websites to yours, and they are a key factor in SEO. High-quality, relevant backlinks signal to search engines that your site is trustworthy and authoritative, which can boost your rankings.

What is technical SEO?2024-10-01T15:13:18+00:00

Technical SEO involves optimising the technical aspects of your website, such as site speed, mobile-friendliness, URL structure, and security. It ensures that search engines can efficiently crawl and index your site, improving overall performance.

What is local SEO?2024-10-01T15:13:05+00:00

Local SEO focuses on optimising your online presence for a specific geographical area, helping local businesses appear in local search results. It’s important if you want to attract customers in a specific location, like “near me” searches.

How does mobile-friendliness affect SEO?2024-10-01T15:12:48+00:00

Mobile-friendliness is a significant ranking factor. Search engines such as Google, prioritise mobile-friendly websites in search results. A mobile-optimised site provides a better user experience, reducing bounce rates and improving your SEO performance.

How does SEO widen My businesses sales funnel?2024-10-14T14:13:14+00:00

SEO widens the sales funnel by attracting a diverse range of potential customers at different stages of their journey. By using a variety of keywords, SEO draws in users who are just starting to explore options as well as those ready to make a decision. This increased visibility brings more traffic to your site, expanding the top of the funnel. SEO practices ensure that content and user experience align with what visitors are looking for, helping to nurture and guide them through the funnel, leading to more opportunities for leads turning into customers.

How can SEO help with my brand awareness?2024-10-14T14:14:13+00:00

SEO helps to increases your brand’s visibility in search engine results, exposing more users to your brand and building recognition over time. High-ranking content also establishes credibility, further enhancing brand awareness.

Do I need SEO?2024-10-14T14:13:51+00:00

Yes! If you have a website for your company and you want to convert searches, optimising your website is a must! SEO optimisations can create a useful, interactive website that helps users learn more about your company and products.

How does SEO work?2024-10-14T14:13:34+00:00

SEO works by optimising various elements of your website to align with search engine algorithms and improve its visibility in search results. This process involves keyword research to identify relevant search terms, on-page SEO to optimise content, meta tags, URLs, and internal links, and technical SEO to enhance site speed, mobile-friendliness, and structured data. Additionally, SEO includes link building to acquire backlinks from reputable sites and content creation to produce high-quality, relevant material that addresses user needs and incorporates targeted keywords. By addressing these factors, SEO increases your site’s relevance and authority, helping it rank higher in search engine results and attract more organic traffic.

What is SEO?2024-10-01T15:11:14+00:00

SEO is the process of optimising your website to rank higher in search engine results. It’s important because higher rankings lead to increased visibility, more organic traffic, and greater opportunities to turn visitors into customers.

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